Wise Traffic Law

Can you beat my ticket?
I will certainly try.

There are several ways a traffic ticket can be dismissed. How the officer fills out the UTC, the timeliness of the officer's transmission of the ticket to the Clerk of the Court, whether the officer is present at the hearing, whether the officer brings the proper documentation to the hearing, etc. However, on the spectrum of outcomes, I would consider this to be the absolute best possible result.

What can be done if a ticket can't be dismissed?

Tickets are typically dismissed about 25% - 35% of the time. If your ticket cannot be dismissed, points can still be withheld from your driving record. If you have a very good driving record, points will be withheld for that reason alone. If your driving record isn't that great, points may still be withheld with court ordered attendance of traffic school.

If I hire you will I have to go to court?

Absolutely not. For a simple traffic infraction, I can waive your appearance and appear in court on your behalf. You are welcome to attend if you want to, but, you do not need to attend the hearing.

Can you guarantee I won't get points on my driving record?

It is illegal for lawyers to guarantee results in advertisements. It is a violation of 4-7.2(c)(l)(G), Rules Regulating The Florida Bar. However, I have yet to represent a client who has received points. If I think your case will result in points, I will not take your case. Ask yourself this one question: Have you been sentenced to a 12 hour advanced driver improvement course recently? If your answer is yes, you have a horrible driving record. At this point, the court will no longer withhold points.

My ticket is almost due, do I need to pay my ticket and hire you?

No. But you do need to do one or the other.

If you hire me, I will file a notice with the Clerk of the Court that I am representing you on your traffic ticket. At that point the 30 day deadline on your ticket is no longer important. In fact, if you hire me and pay your ticket, you are pleading not guilty and guilty at the same time and it creates quite a mess for the clerk of the court. Just be sure to do one or the other soon. If you hire me, after I file my notice on your behalf, the clerk will take about a week to set a hearing date for your case. The case hearing date will be scheduled a month or two from the date of my notice.

How can I check the status of my case?

Brevard County has an excellent case tracking system open for public access. EFACTS

If you are a client of mine, you can always simply contact our office for a case status update as well.

Why hire an attorney rather than just go to traffic school?

1. To preserve your election.
Your voluntary traffic school elections are limited to 5 times in your lifetime and only one time per year. If an attorney can produce the same result (adjudication withheld) with or without traffic school, the election rules don't apply.

2. If you have a good driving record, you probably won't have to attend traffic school.

3. The election is your election. If you elect and then get another ticket 6 months later, you can't elect again. However, if you have an attorney take care of your first case and then get another ticket the next week, you can use one of your elections to attend traffic school and protect your driving record and insurance rates.

There are many "ticket lawyers" why should I hire you?

Unlike ALL other traffic attorneys, I actually own and operate my own traffic school with my father and brother. The list of actual state approved traffic schools can be found here: http://flhsmv.gov/ddl/BDIS_providers.html

If any other traffic lawyer says, if necessary, he will send you to his own school, he is being dishonest.

If you hire me to defend you on a traffic infraction and the best possible result I can obtain for you is attendance at a traffic school, you can attend MY school for NO ADDITIONAL FEE! This option not only does not make me money, it actually costs me money. This gives me a significant incentive to make sure you don't get sent to traffic school.

I'm also proud to say that wisetrafficschool.com is currently the FIRST and ONLY provider of streaming Internet video traffic school in the entire state of Florida. If you hire me, and you have to go to school, you can do reading or streaming Internet video for NO ADDITIONAL FEE!